B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama kak tolong bantu jawabkan ​

kak tolong bantu jawabkan ​

ྀ༘ Passive and Active Voice ྀ༘


A. Change these sentences into Passive Voice

AV : Merry and I take some books in the library today.

  • Some books are taken by Merry and I (us) in the library today.

AV : My mother washed the plate last week.

  • The plate was washed by my mother last week.


B. Change these sentences into Active Voice

PV : The cat is eaten by the dog this morning.

  • The dog eats the cat this morning.

PV : The men were thrown by the woman by the woman yesterday. (The ball was thrown to the men by the woman)

  • The woman threw the ball to the men yesterday.


C. Choose the right answer in the brackets

❺ Tina was hit by Amir a week ago.

❻ The girls are drawn by the man every day.

❼ The flowers are picked up by the children this morning.



Nomor ❶ dan ❸

❶ Merry and I take some books in the library today. ➧ Some books are taken by Merry and I (us) in the library today.

❸ The cat is eaten by the dog this morning. ➧ The dog eats the cat this morning.

Kedua nomor di atas merujuk pada penggunaan Simple Present Tense yang memiliki pola sebagai berikut:

Active Voice:

  • (+) S + V1 (s/es) + O + (C)
  • (–) S + do/does + not + V1 + O + (C)
  • (?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O + (C) ?

⚜ Passive Voice:

  • (+) S + is/am/are + V3 + by agent + (C)
  • (–) S + is/am/are + V3 + by agent + (C)
  • (?) Is/am/are + S + V3 + by agent + (C) + ?

— Keterangan: —

⚜ Active Voice:

  • Pada bentuk positif, jika subjeknya nama makhluk/benda tunggal (he, she, it, Anh, Dys, the cat, or the plate) maka kata kerja harus ditambah "s/es". Contoh: (1) Ahn studies English everyday. (2) He eats apple twice a week.
  • "Do" digunakan untuk subjek: I, you, we, they dan nama makhluk/benda banyak (Anh and Dys, the cats, or the plates).
  • "Does" digunakan untuk subjek: He, she, it dan nama makhluk/benda tunggal (Anh, Dys, the cat, or the plate)

⚜ Passive Voice:

  • "Am" digunakan untuk subjek: I (saya).
  • "Is" digunakan untuk subjek: He, she, it dan nama makhluk/benda banyak (Anh and Dys, the cats, or the plates).
  • "Are" digunakan untuk subjek: You, we, they dan nama makhluk/benda banyak (Anh and Dys, the cats, or the plates).


Nomor ❷ dan ❹

❷ My mother washed the plate last week. ➧ The plate was washed by my mother last week.

❹ The ball was thrown to the men by the woman. ➧ The woman threw the ball to the men yesterday.

Kedua nomor di atas merujuk pada penggunaan Simple Past Tense yang memiliki pola sebagai berikut:

⚜ Active Voice:

  • (+) S + V2 + O + (C)
  • (–) S + did + not + V1 + O + (C)
  • (?) Did + S + V1 + O + (C) ?

⚜ Passive Voice:

  • (+) S + was/were + V3 + by agent + (C)
  • (–) S + was/were + V3 + by agent + (C)
  • (?) Was/were + S + V3 + by agent + (C) + ?

— Keterangan: —

⚜ Active Voice:

  • Pada bentuk positif, kita harus menggunakan kata kerja bentuk kedua (V2). Namun pada bentuk negatif dan introgatif, kata kerja kembali ke bentuk pertama (V1) karena ada auxiliary verb "did" yang menggantikannya.

⚜ Passive Voice:

  • "Was" digunakan untuk subjek: I, he, she, it dan nama makhluk/benda banyak (Anh and Dys, the cats, or the plates).
  • "Were" digunakan untuk subjek: You, we, they dan nama makhluk/benda banyak (Anh and Dys, the cats, or the plates).


Nomor ❺ ❻ dan ❼

❺ Tina was hit by Amir a week ago.

  • Memilih was hit dikarenakan bentuk waktu merujuk pada waktu lampau (a week ago), sehingga kalimat ini termasuk ke dalam penggunaan Simple Past Tense (Passive Voice).

❻ The girls are drawn by the man every day.

  • Memilih are drawn dikarenakan bentuk waktu merujuk pada waktu sekarang di mana kalimat ini menerangkan suatu kebiasaan (everyday), sehingga kalimat ini termasuk ke dalam penggunaan Simple Present Tense (Passive Voice).

❼ The flowers are picked up by the children this morning.

  • Memilih this morning dikarenakan to be yang digunakan dalam kalimat merupakan to be present (are), sehingga kalimat ini termasuk ke dalam penggunaan Simple Present Tense (Passive Voice).